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The Spin

Thwip Starlet Escapes Hell House

by Calriss Karissa

The obsessive viewers of Thwip House had assumed star Aiden Logan was playing one of his infamously bad pranks last week when he appeared to fall down unconscious during the continuous Vert stream from their up-river location, but he was apparently only one of a number of victoms of what authorities claim was some sort of accidental poisoning incident at the location. It's reported that 3 others are dead and the rest are under NDAs, but we met Ivy Hall who was at the house and not contracted to HC or Silverton Corp. We have edited the interview for clarity below.

The Spin: Hi Ivy, I'm glad you made it out ok. We understand you were inside Thwip House when it all went wrong.

Ivy Hall: Well, at least at the end.

TS: Yes, you told police that you entered the house a day after Thwip followers saw Aiden Logan fall into a comma, but just after the stream cut off from inside?

IH: We arrived at the house and everything was totally locked up, we couldn't get in and signal didn't seem to be able to get out. I'm not really clear how but we did make it inside and when we did everything was weird. The house had changed and wasn't… it wasn't right.

"When I got in the Thwip stars were all there but I saw one of them stab someone in the back! And I don't mean metaphorically, she literally tried to stab people." - Ivy Hall

TS: Who is "we"? You went into the house with others?

IH: I, yeah, I think so. I got hit in the head and everything is sort of hazy. I remember the kitchen blowing up. It was so sad because I remember all the times I saw Logan cooking for the group in there and when I got to finally see it for myself he was, well… dead.

Read the rest of our in-depth report in our Virtual Space…


Tools for your Citizen Reporting Kit

It is sad to see the primaries for the Neo-ironic-democratic Fyre Party fail to find even the narrow support among voters of the Renaderites or the DSA. However, we are happy to report that since the STABLE act requires that all reporters keep a 20 foot distance from any politicians we did not lose anyone to the freak weather event that pulled the Fyre Party's primary event boat and political dreams into the ocean depths.

While our political correspondents were bailing out their converted row-boat our citizen journalists have been holding their own with some great reporting. If you'd like to join them, we have the tools here!

You should already have a profile registered with the authorities. Once that's done and you've got the initial work under the belt, you'll likely have to register your new higher level of experience! You'll have to register the new stats that come with joining our great adventure of reporting on morons every day for the next two years.

Here's how it works:

Add +1 to a rating : You can mark permanent changes to a specific rating, though your profile should note a limit beyond which you can't go. Consider what each rating can do for your character and choose carefully. You can't go beyond your registered limit.

Take another Move from those available on your profile : Everyone's profile has a variety of moves you can make. If you're going up a level you can take one of the moves that you haven't already marked as having.

Take a Move from those available on another profile : All the profiles we've supplied show what they can do under the Moves section. You can learn something new and unusual though! If you do you can take a Move that describes your new skill from any of the other profiles below, just check their Full Descriptions to think about what you'd like to do.

Gain an Ally/Gain a Team : You can gain some support staff that will be registered as working with you! You may already have some people you know that you're picking out, or just putting it out there that you're recruiting and getting some folks to show up. Allies and teams work similarly, they both are organized around a single motivation, even if a team comprises of 2 to 6 people. However, members of your team may have their own motivations outside of the team's requirements.

The motivations you can register for your new Ally/Team:

  • Subordinate (motivation: to follow your exact instructions)
  • Lieutenant (motivation: to execute the spirit of your instructions)
  • Friend (motivation: to provide emotional support)
  • Bodyguard (motivation: to intercept danger)
  • Confidante (motivation: to give you advice and perspective)
  • Backup (motivation: to stand with you)

Ally/team members should have names registered along with what their background is too, how they look, and any special skills they bring.

Register a Haven Feature : Have you got a serious home base to operate out from? Are you intending to improve it? Then you need to add that information to your profile! Select a new haven option from the list in the Expert profile. You have added this facility to your haven.

Don’t bother trying to register a new feature if you don’t already have a haven!

Enter your name before you apply! Recruitment Paused


      Five slam dunk stories that didn't just get dunked

      Rogue Projections Make Mockery of City Upper Core Snobs | Every night last week Upper Central Core City has been the "victim" of a projectionist who has been putting elaborate animations of some cartoonish fake 12th moon landing up on the outer walls of the city's elite arcologies and then turning them all psychedelic, including glowing eyes and weird whirls of color. The bright light has apparently been ruining the poor wittle beauty sleep of the rich and infamous so Precinct 9 is on the job hunting down the supposed malfeasant and putting patrols all over UpCentCo. They call him criminal, but we say he's a hero. We'd invite her to dodge the oinkers in our office if we could afford an office.

      Vert Park Tending New Hot Ticket | When the city's walls went up any gardening that wasn't officially sanctioned and supervised became a thing of the past. The carefully tended gardens of the upper levels are nice. The slummy lower parks can be nice in the day time, but are dangerous at night. The topfarms are boring. So what's a green thumb to do? Well it turns out the answer is: menial labor from the comfort of their own home. A recent HC update to the Vert has given would-be Frederick Law Olmsteds the opportunity to manage and share their gardening efforts as unreal playgrounds of ever expanding weird and occasionally culty Vert sites.

      Pink Hair, Don't Care | Infamously lady-only gang TeamRyotGurrls burned down an HC Vert billboard in the South Central Wall neighborhood in response to so called "Flares" that have focused on that region, causing the day-to-day life in one of The Enclave's poorest neighborhoods to become even more miserable than ever. Protesters chanted pithy slogans against HC's support vqueue which remains overloaded and has failed to provide comment or support around the mysterious incidents.

      These are not the flames seen at SoCentWa, because they were hot and we burn!
      These are not the flames seen at SoCentWa, because they were hot and we burn!

      Break-ins End as Mysteriously as they Began | By the end of last week the explosion of door hacks and lock fails ended with no hint as to why they began. The YS/x tagging ended as well, lending some credence to our guess that the two sets of incidents were related. The Pigs remain officially Baffled which means that someone has gotten away scott-free. If our failing official security force had caught someone for the crimes they would be crowing it from the rooftops. Perhaps HC Private Security quietly took someone out back… if you get what we're alleging.

      HC Launches Flatsite Building… Flatsite | HC continues to leave the flickers in The Vert unresolved and unexplained, making life miserable for those of us who pay for lunch with Vert-based livelihoods. Instead of presenting a solution or putting their enormous engineering staff towards solving the problem, yesterday they released a Flatsite Generator. Apparently they have been holding the TM on MySpace this whole time, so it's back. Just what we needed, a way to turn our 3D Vert Life into 2D boxes that barely meet modern standards of accessibility. Even worse, because of the outages, we don't just have to read these sites in flatspace, we have to build them there too. What's next, a mouse?!?!