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The Spin

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Dear Monstrous,

The newly stabilized Moonbase is just teaming with Weird and it calls out to you so strongly you find yourself roaming the halls at night, your stomach roiling, just filled with the desire to eat something truly strange. If you let the Weird call to you then you may find yourself pulled in the direction of something useful, if only you could focus on it:

  • A useful prompt for the possessed AI in the records room.
  • A map of The Enclave in the control room.
  • Entity Control's various hook ups to The Verd

Select one and find out more information about how it impacts your future

The more you use your powers the more effective they get and you have begun to feel a strange affinity with your fellow Hunters as your Weird and theirs' interact:

  • The Luchador
  • The Crooked

Roll me a +Weird to focus your connection, you'll count it as free held +1 to be given to the selected Hunter at any point in the adventure. One a 10+ select two Hunters. On a 7-9 pick one thing to come into focus. On a failure you'll see magical consequences appear during the upcoming adventure.

Dear Crooked,

A long avoided enemy has come out of the woodwork and is hunting for you. For years you'd outmaneuvered him and basically made it clear that he couldn't get at you without bringing way too much heat on to his head. If that's changing he must have made some powerful allies. Better dive into your underworld contacts and find out who he could have ended up with if you want to have a chance to stalemate him again.

Ask me one of these questions to find out what you learned from your contacts:

  • What is the state of the allegiances between the criminal underworld and the factions of law enforcement?
  • Have the criminal element started deploying the Weird and Verdant on a regular basis?
  • What has been the reaction to HC rolling out Free Battalion?

You're continuing to experiment with the system HC build to pulled objects out of The Verdant, but you're finding yourself blocked off by the presence of your prisoners in the summoning circle:

  • If you sneak over there and execute them without telling anyone you could get some real anti-magic armor together, but you'd have to hide it from the others.
  • You could acquire the skill to empower circles yourself by training in the Records Room, but it's unclear what that will unlock for you.
  • You could change focus and get a mold together along with modifying Eric's old lab with a lightweight forge and have the capacity to start making some bullets with properties that make them stronger against specific monsters.

Roll me a +Sharp to test your skills for one of these options: On a 8-12 pick one. On a miss you'll foul the magic involved.

Dear Luchador,

The latest upload has gotten your Luchadorables in a frenzy and your following is larger than ever! They're also excited that you're collaborating with KF Cindy, who--remember--you had previously gotten in a fight with but she proved she was on your side. You've been in the chat getting them excited and promoting yourself, along with the movement for SoCentWa. They're also a valuable source of information and the chat is a way for contacts to get in touch with you or the group. Ask me one of the following questions to get tips from your stream chat:

  • What is the community with the worst Flare situation?
  • Has anyone spotted Daemons entering their Virtual spaces and where?
  • Had anyone met The Oracle of Clocks, where, when and in what context?

You've charmed more than your fair share of folks in the encounters you've been having and some of them are trying to keep in touch via stream chat. Here are some of the past contacts you might find talking with useful:

  • Boytoy George suffered some bad damage in your encounter with him, but it turns out he has survived and continues to take a major part in the SoCentWa protests. He doesn't remember much about what happened, perhaps you can talk him into an ally by telling him a version of the story that makes you look favorable. He might give you a more in depth update on SoCentWa in return.
  • Earendil, when you last left him, was trying to put his border town back together and figure out where his people went. He reached out and left his contact info. You might be able to get more information and some direction about places to further investigate.
  • Wrad Marge, after her encounter with you, has been looking deeper into magic and continually emailing you little things she's found asking for a comment. You might be able to trade some answers to her in exchange for some ideas for further investigation into The Verdant.

Roll me a +Charm to reach out to your fans (current and future) and find out some vital information. On a 11+ you can speak to two of them. On a 7-10 you'll be able to talk only one of them and on a failure you can choose to either permanently offend one person in exchange for being able to get information from another or not be able to get in contact with any of them.

WeCentWa on Lockdown After Transit Hub Policing Failed to Stop Deaths

by Tachs Ren

Limited transit between WeCentWa and the rest of WestWall to the Mids and Uppers has been shut down by Enclave officials after a series of attacks on the main up-down station and at the off-load station to the mids resulted in nearly a dozen deaths and a brief spread in Vert malfunctions out of the Wall regions and into WeCentMid.

Flare events have been particularly bad in the WestWall region over the past two weeks as flares appear to have spread from SoCentWa (where they now have mostly subsided) to the WeSoWa district, where they disrupted wall operations so badly that the region feared flooding and was evacuated below sub 3 to WeCentWa. The evacuees seem to have brought the disruptions to Virtual connections with them to WeCentWa, though no authority can say how that could be possible.

Particularly bad conditions have propagated in WeCentWa as Virt connections flared and flickered, leaving many unable to make the usual virtual visits, work and conversations while dealing with the added stress of craped streets due to EPD-run encampments for WeSoWa evacuees. The stress of the situation was componded even further on residents when the wall in this region started to malfunction as well, letting some floodwater seep where it shouldn't. As a result, an unprecedented rush for uptransit had been ongoing for days.

"We cannot re-open transit until we can safeguard travelers in both directions. At this time we are still investigating cause, but the number and unusual nature of the deaths is enough reason to put travel on hold." - Raph Edwlitelle, EPD Commissioner.

Yesterday, there was a at least a dozen deaths at the uptube onload and offload stations that took Wall residents to the mids. The details and exact numbers of these deaths have not yet been released by EPD but it is notable that they ocurred even while EPD had deployed "enhanced protective measures" to the transit station and accepted the help of HC-employed Free Battalion mercs to patrol both the physical and Virtual locations.

It is unclear what will occur if flares become even worse in the WestWall region and cause another evacuation. Will evacuees be shuffled around the wall corner again with transit to the mids currently blocked off?

Read the rest of our in-depth report in our Virtual Space…

Harvestlands Candidate Arrives, Trumpets Farmboy Credentials

Tools for your Citizen Reporting Kit

Ralph White aims to inspire the same confidence in you that he does in his rolling rows of wheat. At least that is what we assume we're supposed to get from the farm-focused announcement triD that has hit projectors across the country and Enclave this week. White previously administered the Texan sunfields while he was in private buisness. But he was born (as we are endlessly reminded) and has lately been governor of the Vermont Farming Tracts, making him endlessly familiar with one of the last native food supplying areas and the people who work it.

His cast made it clear that he'll be leaning on downhome metaphors and irrelevencies to try and appeal to voters, even forgoing the normal suit to show up in a full-feature cyber-harvest-suit. We're not sure how felling a hundred cornstalks in a single swing qualifies you for government but we're sure he'll be fun on a debate stage.

We gathered a number of on-the-ground reactions to the announcement that you can find in our Virtual Space. If you'd like to join them, we have the tools here!

You should already have a profile registered with the authorities. Once that's done and you've got the initial work under the belt, you'll likely have to register your new higher level of experience! You'll have to register the new stats that come with joining our great adventure of reporting on morons every day for the next two years.

Here's how it works:

Add +1 to a rating : You can mark permanent changes to a specific rating, though your profile should note a limit beyond which you can't go. Consider what each rating can do for your character and choose carefully. You can't go beyond your registered limit.

Take another Move from those available on your profile : Everyone's profile has a variety of moves you can make. If you're going up a level you can take one of the moves that you haven't already marked as having.

Take a Move from those available on another profile : All the profiles we've supplied show what they can do under the Moves section. You can learn something new and unusual though! If you do you can take a Move that describes your new skill from any of the other profiles below, just check their Full Descriptions to think about what you'd like to do.

Gain an Ally/Gain a Team : You can gain some support staff that will be registered as working with you! You may already have some people you know that you're picking out, or just putting it out there that you're recruiting and getting some folks to show up. Allies and teams work similarly, they both are organized around a single motivation, even if a team comprises of 2 to 6 people. However, members of your team may have their own motivations outside of the team's requirements.

The motivations you can register for your new Ally/Team:

  • Subordinate (motivation: to follow your exact instructions)
  • Lieutenant (motivation: to execute the spirit of your instructions)
  • Friend (motivation: to provide emotional support)
  • Bodyguard (motivation: to intercept danger)
  • Confidante (motivation: to give you advice and perspective)
  • Backup (motivation: to stand with you)

Ally/team members should have names registered along with what their background is too, how they look, and any special skills they bring.

Register a Haven Feature : Have you got a serious home base to operate out from? Are you intending to improve it? Then you need to add that information to your profile! Select a new haven option from the list in the Expert profile. You have added this facility to your haven.

Don’t bother trying to register a new feature if you don’t already have a haven!

Enter your name before you apply! Recruitment Paused


      These five stories are driving us wild

      Core Rep Race Sweeped by HC Favs | Ex-HC employees funded heavily by individual and corporate contributions from inside HC swept the emergency elections set up to fill core seats emptied by a successful corruption prosecution. It will likely give HC an outsized influence on the districts its HQ resides in without any illegal bribes necessary. Is that irony? We're pretty sure we're too ill to tell.

      Mids Citizens Don't Hide Their Ugly Classism | With the dire straits in some of the wall regions on full display over the last week, the Midsclass took the opportunity to show that empathy isn't in their dictionary. Mids residents publicly lobbied their individual councils and the Borough council to continue the lockout of the Wall communities indefinitely, even after the current murder investigation is resolved. I mean, we can't even afford the toll to make it to the Mids but we're still pissed

      Graft of Both Types | Cole Clinic in SoCentWa missed it's auto-renewal and so descended the health inspectors, only to discover the place was filled with infected, degraded and re-used (yuck) grafts, many of which were being sold over label price. Police are looking for Juan Cole, the owner of the clinic who has now been charged with graft fraud.

      Trying to find a way out of the Wall
      Trying to find a way out of the Wall

      Wavefront | The water lapping at the walls of The Enclave has been unusually quiet lately, but the city's WeatherCore now predict a serious storm set to bang against The Enclave's flood wall pretty badly. It's more important than ever that neglect get repaired and we assure the Wall's patented floodgate system remain at full functionality, yet city maintenance is already overloaded and unable to keep up pace. We've called on leadership to allot emergency funds and staff to bolster the repair queue.

      Remix Release Crosses LoE with BonAI | We've always preferred a good broken limb or three from in-person participation at Lords of Excrement concerts, and it is a great way to cull a city's excess bars with flames and massive insurance claims. However, we're enjoying the Brown Album digital-only release, which takes lofi musician robot BonAI and has it remix LoE's dark classical punkcore masterpiece album "We Kicked In The Door So Give Us Drinks or Die". The result is a classy sounding album that you could take home to momma if it wasn't for all the gratuitous scatological cursing.